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Archaeological Sites on Kauai

Wahi Pana are sites that are culturally and historically significant and celebrated. The Kiahuana Wahi Pana in particular is a Kōloa Field System that was operated for more than 500 years.  

The Kōloa Field System features both irrigated and dry crops, supplied by one, main stream system. Some of the crops harvested using this system include sweet potatoes, bananas, cane sugar, Taro, and more.  And yet, the land is still considered "unsuitable for agriculture" by the US Soil Conservation Agency. 

The land in this archaeological site once supplied cane sugar for the North during the Civil War and sweet potatoes to California during the Gold Rush. This Kōloa Field System is considered a wonder of agriculture and hydraulics.

During your stay in our Kauai rentals explore this wonder of agriculture and experience a piece of Poipu History. 

Contact our Concierge Service to learn more about activities in the area to ensure your Hawaiian vacation is perfect in every way!